Your Zodiac Sign Playlist

Source: Allure

Source: Allure

Growing up, I was never interested in zodiac signs, but things quickly changed when I moved to New York City last year. The first time someone asked me what my sign was I told them it was a diamond; turns out that was my birthstone. If you find yourself lost in all this zodiac talk, read Allure’s article that gives a breakdown and explains the strengths and weaknesses of each sign.

I find that people embrace and hold a deep connection with their zodiac sign. Each sign has a unique approach to life and encompasses their own characteristics.

With my newfound love for zodiac signs and an old love for music, I have created personalized playlists for each sign. So whether you want to release your pent-up Gemini energy or tap your feet to Taurus tunes, be sure to check out your own personalized playlist!