The Button Up: A Quintessential Staple for Your Wardrobe

We all have our favorite staple pieces—whether that be a black leather jacket, chunky platform boots, or that piece of jewelry that you’ve had since you were 10. The button-up is a piece also worth that staple-status and is essential to your closet. White, black, pinstriped, or ruffled sleeves. No matter the details or design, a button-up is the key to a completed wardrobe.

The button-up is so versatile, for both men and women. Besides being an amazing top, the button-up is also a bathing suit cover up and a dress. My favorite thing about this piece is that you can dress it up or down and wear it for more than just one season. This is a simple piece that can easily be elevated with the right accessories or toned down with casual pants, comfortable shoes, and a messy bun. You can get button-ups anywhere; from your local thrift store to your nearest H&M or Zara.

I remember going through my dad’s closet in middle school, looking for something to wear. I found an extra large white button-up and thought, this could be a look. I decided to wear the shirt to school, with my dad’s permission of course, and I felt so cool. It was as if I discovered a new piece that could transform my wardrobe entirely. After that, every thrift trip consisted of me finding yet another button-up to fill my already overflowing, fashion-forward closet.

When I started high school, I forgot about my love for the timeless button-up. For years I wore certain clothes to fit in with the status quo of high school’s definition of “fashionable.” Now that I am in college, I look back and think, what was I doing? There is a reason designer brands have them in their collections and have models sporting them on the runway. They are an everlasting part of fashion.

Many influencers and celebrities’ style the button-up in different ways, so it is a simple piece to get inspiration for. There are many TikTok’s, YouTube videos, and Instagram posts that provide styling tips for the button-up.

So, if you don’t already have a button-up in your closet, run, don’t walk to get one, or steal one from your dad, brother, boyfriend, or uncle. Button-ups are the best item to have in your closet this fall and winter season, but can be worn in the spring and summer seasons as well. It is a must-have item in your closet right now and will continue to be in the future, no matter how style, seasons, or trends change!