If You're Not Manifesting, You're Missing Out

Haven’t you heard? Spirituality is becoming increasingly popular and if you have social media, you probably already know that. There are countless viral posts online that will tell you about your destiny and how you stumble upon a video is no coincidence. Let’s not even get into how the word “manifest” has suddenly been added to everyone’s vocabulary. Is this new interest something that truly connects people with something beyond this world, or is it just another social media trend? 

Spirituality can be interpreted in many different ways. According to an article in the the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, spirituality focuses on sacred and divine practices. The purpose of these practices is to “attain or enhance a sense of the sacred, and experiences of spiritual or religious states of consciousness.” Similar to traditional forms of religion, spirituality in essence is meant to connect one with something that is higher than yourself. That “something” can differ depending on one’s beliefs. 

Unlike traditional religion, spirituality doesn’t rely on any physical institution such as a church or temple. It is simply about one’s self and their individual spiritual connection to whatever they believe in. There are many different elements to spirituality and ways to practice it from meditation to tarot cards, etc. The concept is up for interpretation, but that is what some people like about it. This would explain the abundance of viral TikTok videos meant to help people along their spiritual journey.

Many content creators online have been spreading their spiritual practices through social platforms like TikTok in order to provide a source for healing and reassurance. Rose Valentine is a TikToker who has dedicated her platform to educating and uplifting her viewers through spirituality. With 93,000 followers, Rose has the opportunity to share her spiritual journey as well as aid others on their own through the internet. 

Though internet spirituality does encourage positivity, there are also aspects of the craze that have the potential to be problematic. Some disagree with the individualistic approach of spirituality, as it can be seen as self-sacralization and that modern spirituality tends to convey elements of  consumerism. People argue that modern spirituality doesn’t possess much spiritual substance, but is simply consumed as a personal commodity. This insinuates that spirituality isn’t a genuine practice, but instead a fad.

How one feels about internet spirituality is determined by their own personal beliefs and how they interpret its many practices. Regardless of different opinions, there are some who believe that this kind of spirituality is a source of positivity. Whether you believe in this form of spirituality or not, social media will ensure that your feed is up-to-date on the latest affirmations.

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