Blackberry Narcissus: Gossip Girl 1.09 Recap

Hey Upper East Siders,

Damn, it’s been three days in a row, but I know you aren’t sick of me yet.

I’m sure Kate’s not too happy though, now that she’s been blocked from GG. Doesn’t she know you can’t have a heart if you want to be the top news source?

Our favorite sister duo starts off this episode with a lawyer. Based on what they found on the phone, they want to get justice for these women. However, the lawyer asks them to hold off for now. She says if the women come forward, then they’ll have a case. And when Davis speaks with JC after this meeting, he says the exact thing too. It seems as though he knows he messed up, but he’s hoping to stay “innocent” as long as these women stay quiet.

On the brighter side, there’s a lot of new love in the air. Starting off with Max’s family, Max is determined to get his fathers back together. Gideon seems to have a different plan in mind, as Max walks in on his father on a date with another man. However, Roy convinces Max that the two of them will be together again, as long as Gideon can forgive him.

In the other areas of new love, both Aki and Audrey have been asked out. The two are willing to try an open relationship so that way Aki can experience a queer once, and Audrey can experience, well, whatever she needs to experience. Unfortunately for Max, he doesn’t seem to be apart of this mix, even though he still has feelings for the two of them. Roy tries to convince Max to be open with his feelings, but it’s hard with the whole Davis scandal.

Back to the Davis scandal, Julien and Zoya are trying to find these women and beg them to come forward. However, it’s hard to do that when paparazzi is lurking everywhere. Audrey, Aki, Max, Luna, and Monet all team up to help hide JC’s location. Monet posts as if Julien is with her at the spa. Luna posts as if Julien is at MoMA. Audrey posts as if Julien is at the Brooklyn Bridge. Well, you get the point. They all work together to confuse Gossip Girl, and do you know who also helps? Obie.

Obie is the chauffeur of the day, driving Zoya and Julien around to meet up with these women. The first woman they meet up with doesn’t go so well, as she’s not looking to come forward. But another woman named Riley is ready to come forward. Totally off topic, but is anyone else ready to see Julien and Obie get back together? I know I am.

That’s beside the point. Kate is working to get the GG followers to back off of Julien. When she finds out she’s meeting up with Riley at MoMA, she goes there to take control over GG. Things don’t go according to plan when Julien tells Riley to stay quiet for now, due to the fact that it’s not the right time yet and may blow up the case. Kate messes everything up when she releases the footage of the two of them talking, because now everyone’s convinced JC is on her dad’s side. Poor Kate, couldn’t she have stayed out of it?

Can we also talk about the fact that “Traitor” by Olivia Rodrigo was playing when all of this went down? Whoever picks the music, they need a raise.

Unfortunately, we’re out of episodes for this week. But don’t you worry, we’ll be back next week to see how the story all plays out. I know I’m dying to see our throuple back together again.

But until then,
