Christmas Baking, but Make it Vegan

The best time of the year is finally here—yes, that means the holidays. Some people choose to celebrate with parties and gifts, others like to celebrate with food. More specifically, desserts. All year long we have been anxiously waiting for the tastes of the season and they are finally here.

Source: Pinterest

Here are a few vegan Christmas baking recipes from our good friend, TikTok.

Vegan Peppermint Mocha Cookies


Source: @maggiebakesgrace

This is the perfect Christmas treat for a holiday movie night with your best friends. These cookies go beyond your basic chocolate chip. Throw on Elf (2003) and enjoy a night of food and festivities.

Vegan Reindeer Cookies

Source: TikTok @k.aralyn

Do you have a holiday party to go to? If so, you can never go wrong with bringing a creative take on a classic cookie. This is the perfect holiday treat to pair with some hot cocoa and your best Christmas outfit.

Vegan oatmeal Cookies

Source: TikTok @annafittt

These are the perfect cookies to leave for Santa. The oatmeal batter is similar of the reindeer food you make as a child and the jam filling resembles jolly ole Saint Nick! If you want some nostalgia and a tasty treat, we definitely recommend trying this recipe out.

Some More Munchies

Source: TikTok @tastyselly

This video has a bunch of other dessert ideas for you to re-create. All of these treats are perfect to leave around your home and pick at whenever you want. Snacks are truly the reason for the season!

I don’t know about you, but now I am starving. You can bake these vegan holiday treats with your friends, family, S/O, or even by yourself. There is truly nothing like edible happiness. Happy Holidays everyone!

What’s your favorite holiday dessert? Leave a comment below.