Meditation Mornings for a Positive Lifestyle

Are you looking for a way to start your mornings in a positive light? Morning meditation has extreme health benefits that can be useful to those trying to better their lifestyle and overall health. Why not give it a try?

What is meditation?

Meditation is a mind-body connection, meaning our physical and mental health is impacted all at once.

During meditation, it is essential to focus your attention on the now. Clear your mind of any thoughts or emotions you were previously feeling. This is a time to relax the body and mind.

Benefits of morning meditation

If you wake up in a funk and need something to help boost your mood, morning meditation might be your fix.

Practicing meditation results in a peaceful, balanced, and calm state of mind. Meditating can benefit your overall emotional and physical health in numerous ways. It can reduce negative emotions, help focus on the present, improve sleep, increase self-awareness, and lower blood pressure.

If you are someone who struggles with anxiety or experiences stress and negative thoughts, practicing meditation could be helpful. What is a better way than starting your day with some positivity?

Different types of meditation

Meditation is done in various formsguided meditation, mindful meditation, visualization meditation, and movement meditation. Feel free to try any of these out and see what works best for you.

Guided meditation

If you are an audible learner, guided meditation may work best. You can either join a guided meditation class or play a video on Youtube.

You will need to focus on your breathing to maintain that required relaxed state for meditating. You may also be asked to visualize someone or something — just follow along as you are guided through this practice.

Mindful meditation

Mindfulness is being aware of what is going on around you — what you are feeling, seeing, and hearing. When taking part in mindful meditation, you focus on your breathing, thoughts, emotions, and anything else that may arise in the moment. This is a time to be grounded.

Visualization meditation

Visualization meditation uses your five senses: sight, touch, taste, smell, and sound.

During this form of meditation, you must imagine positive scenarios, such as envisioning yourself succeeding in your goals and dreams.

Visualization meditation has many benefits. It enhances creativity, actively uses your mind to create scenarios, improves self-image, strengthens goal achievement, and increases alertness as you focus on a specific thought. It overall benefits your well-being. 

Movement meditation

Movement meditation is a bit different from the other forms of meditation I’ve mentioned previously. In this practice, you are becoming more connected with your body.

You can take a stroll in the park, down the street, or even at home and partake in this form of meditation. The morning is the perfect time to do so too.

Be mindful of what your body is doing. Pay attention to how each part of your body feels throughout this meditation. If you begin to feel uncomfortable and uneasy, tense your muscles and relax the body until you are in a calmer state of mind. This is all about connecting and becoming aware of your physical being.

Now that you know some forms of meditation — what type of meditation will you be trying? Leave a comment below