College Interrupted: Share Your Social Distancing Story

Dear readers of The Lexington Line,

The novel coronavirus has pulled our sense of stability out from underneath us. Now that we are physically distanced from our schools and many of our friends, it is imperative that we seek out communities where we can share our stories and find common ground in order to protect our sanity.

Please use this article as a platform to do just that. In the comments, tell us how you are handling social distancing. How are you feeling? What are you most worried about? How are you spending your time in self-isolation?

I’ll kick things off…

The presence of this virus has done a number on me, and I haven’t even gotten it.

I am doing far better now that I’m back in the swing of the semester. The boredom was beginning to undo me. With nothing to keep me occupied, all I could think about was the severity and the uncertainty and the deaths—especially the deaths. One morning, I checked the Worldometer website everyone posts screenshots from and immediately had to put my phone down. I watched as the number of cases and losses ticked upwards by the minute and felt overcome by nausea. Looking at it now still makes me feel faint.

There are a number of things that have been comforting me while in quarantine. Specifically, working on wrapping up this season’s print issue of The Lexington Line, testing out Zoom with my friends, spending time with my boyfriend and his roommate, cooking or baking, talking on the phone with my family and writing—these things have all helped me hold onto my sanity. Writing, in particular, kept me together when I felt like I was falling apart the most. During times of panic, I shut myself in a room with my laptop and wrote until I felt okay again.

I also discovered that going for a walk is just as great as everyone insists it is. As soon as I first gulped some fresh air, I felt my soul begin to heal. I realize that sounds ridiculous, but the sun and the freedom of movement assured me that I’ll be able to get through this.

Now that I’ve shared a bit of my own experience, it’s your turn. In the comments below, tell us how you’re coping with COVID-19. Let’s start a conversation and build a support system.

Stay safe, stay sane, and stay home.


Erica & The Lex Line Team

For more information on COVID-19, click here.