November 2021 Horoscope

With only two months left in the year, everyone has one question on their mind: “What is going to happen next?” While it would be great to know what the next year has in store for us, why not take a look at what November has to offer? Let’s take a look at your November 2021 horoscopes with the help of tarot cards and see what this month will entail.  

Disclaimer: Tarot should be taken as advice and guidance, not as a future set in stone. It is always good to remember that you are the one who writes your own fate and your future can change at any time.

Aries (March 21- April 19) - Page of Wands

Fiery Aries: this November is all about receiving good news. Are you expecting an important phone call, email, or text? Whatever it is, you are destined to hear something good this month. The Page of Wands, part of the suit of wands and paired with the element of fire (how befitting), talks about the fast movement of positive news and creative ventures. Naturally, you’re full of passion and are ready to create.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) - Two of Cups

Love is in the air Taurus. The Two of Cups, part of the suit of cups and paired with the element of water, is one of the major signs of love in a tarot deck (besides The Lovers of course). Whether you’re in a committed relationship or single and ready to mingle, you can be sure that love will definitely be on the brain this month. If you’re not into love, don’t fret! The Two of Cups is also about partnerships, steady ones at that. You could find yourself in a great collaborative friendship or work relationship.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20) - King of Wands

Ruled by the planet Mercury (the planet of communication) it’s no wonder you’d find The King of Wands in your November Horoscope this year, Gemini. The King of Wands, one of the court cards of the wands, talks of someone who is confident, strong, friendly, and very charming. This month, you're tapping into that raw Gemini energy where you talk, and people listen. If this doesn’t sound like your typical day, then you’ll most likely meet someone who embodies these qualities and will bring you nothing but a good time.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22) - Ten of Cups

If there is one sign in the world of the zodiac that is all about family, it’s the small, but mighty Cancer. Your horoscope this month is foretold by The Ten of Cups, a card from the suit of cups and ruled by your element of water. This is all about family, family reunions, celebrations, and happily ever afters. You can expect to be surrounded by your loved ones this month whether that be family members, close friends, or even a partner. It’s nothing but warm and fuzzy feelings this time around!

Leo (July 23 - August 22) - Knight of Pentacles

Okay, Leo, it’s time to get busy and put your working pants on this month! The Knight of Pentacles, part of the suit of pentacles and ruled by the element of earth, gives you the traits of responsibility and practicality. You are all about finishing what you have started, whether it be all the assignments you have due after the Thanksgiving break, a passion project, or even your own self-care regimen. You are a go-getter Leo!

Virgo (August 23 - September 21) - King of Cups

Being logical and responsible is everything you stand for, Virgo. However, this month The King of Cups, a court card of the suit of cups and element of water, is asking you to switch things over to your more emotional side. You’re learning to be emotionally mature and to look at things with an empathetic view rather than a logical one. This newfound maturity will make you the center for wisdom and advice when it comes to others seeking help in this field. But you already knew that, Virgo.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) - Page of Pentacles

Open your purse and let the money flow in, Libra! The Page of Pentacles, from the suit of pentacles along with the element of earth, speaks of great fortune in the means of money this month. So, you should take every opportunity you can get. You’ll finally be hearing back from all the job applications you’ve put in or you’ll receive that promotion you’ve been waiting for. Whatever the case may be, as long as you make the right decisions, you’ll be very secure for the holiday season approaching.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) - Death

Now, I know what you’re thinking Scorpio; don’t worry, no one is going to die. A common misconception from the major arcana card (Death) is that it predicts the untimely demise of anyone who pulls it. However, that isn’t the case at all. Death, ruled by the sign of Scorpio, speaks of the ending of something. The ending of a cycle is coming near, and it’s probably an unhealthy one. This month is all about putting something to rest and planting the seeds for something better.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) - Seven of Pentacles

Speaking of sowing seeds, have you been working your butt off last month, Sagittarius? If you have, then have no fear, the time to see the fruits of your labor is near! The Seven of Pentacles is here to let you know that all of your hard work has been noticed and that your rewards are soon to follow. Every bit of energy and power you put into your work will come back to you tenfold.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) - Eight of Wands

Got any moving plans this month, Capricorn? The Eight of Wands says that this month is all about movement. You might find yourself moving homes or going on some holiday vacations. This is an exciting time for you Capricorn, especially if you’re looking for a little holiday romance. Either way, this month is all about moving, and moving fast. You know where you’re headed Capricorn, no looking back now!

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18) - Three of Wands

Where is everyone going this month? Looks like you might be taking things abroad soon, Aquarius. The Three of Wands is all about traveling and really exploring the world outside of your comfort zone. It’s time to spread your wings and make some long-lasting memories. And this is nothing without force, as The Three of Wands predicts you are feeling happy with all the choices you’re making right now, Aquarius. You are growing and it feels amazing!

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) - Two of Pentacles

Balance is key for this November, Pisces. It’s time for you to find a good work-life balance, says The Two of Pentacles which talks about juggling money matters. Try not to stress yourself out by working multiple jobs or jumping from assignment to assignment. The Two of Pentacles is telling you it’s time to make a decision about what really matters. You can’t straddle both fences forever.

There you have it: a month’s worth of fortune-telling jam-packed into one card! Don’t forget, if you are a big zodiac fanatic, take a peek at not only your Sun sign but your Moon and Rising signs as well. No matter what horoscope you got, this month is what you make it, so try to enjoy it to the fullest. Happy November everyone!