Let’s Get Physical: Summer Workout Routine

Have you been wanting to get into a workout routine but don’t know where to start? I’ve got your back! In my opinion, it is important to have a motive or goal before working out. Personally, I enjoy working out because I find that it improves my mental health. After completing any sort of exercise, I typically feel happier and motivated. This is because exercise releases endorphins. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Physical activity may help bump up the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins.” Motivation can stem from anything. Just make sure that your reasons for working out lift you up, not put you down. 

Before I dive into the step by step workout, here is a short video I created to show you my routine 


As a warm-up, I decided to walk my dog for about fifteen minutes. Not only did I get to spend quality time with my puppy, but I was also able to squeeze some cardio into my day.  Walking is a great way to relieve tension within your body and also serves as a great pre-workout activity. 

If you want to challenge yourself, you can always substitute the walk for a jog, or even a run. However, I knew that I had training later that day and did not want to strain any muscles. Listening to your body is key while working out. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t push it. 

Workout Circuit: 

After my fifteen-minute walk, I decided to do a workout circuit that was sent to me by my good friend and fitness trainer, Ava. Definitely make sure you check out her Instagram for more workout ideas! This specific circuit focused on abs, upper body, and lower body. 

Here is the step by step instructions for this workout: 

3 Sets of 30 Mountain Climbers

3 Sets of 40 Glute Bridges

3 Sets of 50 Squats 

3 Sets of 12 Dumbbell Deadlifts 

4 Sets of Glute Bridges (With Dumbbell) 

5 Sets of Walking Lunges 

40 Straight Leg Sit-Ups

50 Bicycle Crunches 

60 Russian Twists 

Even if you don’t have access to a gym or at-home weights, these workouts are still highly effective and will leave you dripping in sweat! 

Pilates Training: 

To finish my summer workout routine, I went to Pilates training for about forty-five minutes. You may be wondering, what the heck is Pilates? According to Very Well Fit, “By definition, Pilates is a system of repetitive exercises performed on a mat or other equipment to promote strength, stability, and flexibility. Pilates exercises develop the body through muscular effort that stems from the core.” 

I was able to get into Pilates because my family friend happens to be a trainer, however, there are tons of great videos on Youtube that I like to follow as well. 

Pilates has become my favorite form of exercise. I am able to get in tune with my body and strengthen my muscles from within. If you are thinking of getting into it but haven’t tried, I absolutely recommend just going for it! 

Though I didn’t show this throughout the video, the most important part of my workout routine was fueling my body with water and food throughout the day. It is super important that you give your body what it needs while working out. Eating and drinking will also increase your energy. 

I hope that you found this workout routine helpful if you are thinking of getting into a routine of your own! I want to disclaim that it would not be realistic to say that I perform the same workouts every day. There are some days where I do less, some days that I do more, and other days where I don’t do anything at all. As I mentioned earlier, it is extremely important that you listen to your body and rest when you need to. Now, let’s go be our best, healthiest selves all summer long!